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Title... : Show room expansion remodeling
Name : joe Date : 2012-03-20 Hit : 4447

K-Kiosk open its’ showroom after expansion remodeling.

Kiosk brand, K-KIOSK kiosk workstations in the company to expand exhibition was open.

Inside the exhibition hall in Europe style model, best-selling model, the large DID, including export models are exhibited in 20 kiosks. In the meantime.

Some complaints from consumers that have been raised that buyer only deciding model from picture in web site photo. K-Kiosk improves customer satisfaction as client visit show room and check real products directly and demonstrate and exhibition services to customers more satisfied customers became.

In addition, K-KIOSK representative recommended that anyone who is making kiosk can come and test their device and system with K-KIOSK providing various devices (monitors, touch screen, PC, scanner, barcode scanner, thermal printer, etc.)

4, Cheonho-daero 198-gil, Gangdong-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea.
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