(Department of Justice September 15, 2010)
201.1 Scope. All areas of newly designed and newly constructed buildings and facilities and altered portions of existing buildings and facilities shall comply with these requirements.
201.2 Application Based on Building or Facility Use. Where a site, building, facility, room, or space contains more than one use, each portion shall comply with the applicable requirements for disabilities act person¡¯s use.

American with Disability Act, This document contains scoping and technical requirements for accessibility to buildings and facilities byindividuals with disabilities under the Americans with Disabilities Act(ADA) of 1990.
How we comply of ADA.
When you deploy a kiosk, you want to make the kiosk be accessible to as many people as possible, and you want to construct our kiosks according to the laws in your country.
There is no ADA guideline in existence today that deals specifically with kiosks. The most relevant guideline that exists is that for ATM¡¯s and is outlined in section 4.34 of the ADA Standards for Accessible Design. Sections 308.1 to 308.3.2 of this guideline specifically address the floor space and reach range requirements for ATM compliance, All K-KIOSK, when located such that a parallel wheelchair approach to the kiosk is possible, can meet the ADA reach and height guidelines for ATM¡¯s.

2308.2.1 Unobstructed.
Where a forward reach is unobstructed, the high forward reach shall be 48 inches (1220 mm) maximum and the low forward reach shall be 15 inches (380 mm) minimum above the finish floor or ground.
308.3.1 Unobstructed.
Where a clear floor or ground space allows a parallel approach to an element and the side reach is unobstructed, the high side reach shall be 48 inches (1220 mm) maximum and the low side reach shall be 15 inches (380 mm) minimum above the finish floor or ground.
EXCEPTIONS:1. An obstruction shall be permitted between the clear floor or ground space and the element where the depth of the obstruction is 10 inches (255 mm) maximum.2. Operable parts of fuel dispensers shall be permitted to be 54 inches (1370 mm) maximum measured from the surface of the vehicular way where fuel dispensers are installed on existing curbs.
be 44 inches (1120 mm) maximum and the reach depth shall be 25 inches (635 mm) maximum.
308.2.2 Obstructed High Reach.
Where a high forward reach is over an obstruction, the clear floor space shall extend beneath the element for a distance not less than the required reach depth over the obstruction. The high forward reach shall be 48 inches (1220 mm) maximum where the reach depth is 20 inches (510 mm) maximum. Where the reach depth exceeds 20 inches (510 mm), the high forward reach shall be 44 inches (1120 mm) maximum and the reach depth shall be 25 inches (635 mm) maximum.